Pelayanan E-Samsat Di Kantor UPTD Samsat Manado
Service, E-SamsatAbstract
The main purpose of this research is to describe and illustrate how the E-Samsat Sulut service at the Manado city UPTD office. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection methods in this study, namely observation, interviews and documentation with data analysis techniques that include data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. Based on the results of research found in the field, it shows that the e-samsat application itself is still not well maintained because there are still problems related to the implementation of this online-samsat-based application. Factors that become obstacles in the TimSalut e-samsat application service are frequent system connectivity disruptions such as server disruptions from applications that cause disruption of online-based e-samsat services. Likewise, the lack of public knowledge about the TimSalut e-samsat application and how to use it. Many people also prefer to continue paying their vehicle taxes directly to the Samsat office (manually) rather than paying online. However, this e-samsat application has started to run well judging from the innovations made from the application updates that have been made, it just needs some system improvements so that services can run better.