Kualitas Pelayanan Tenaga Kesehatan di Puskesmas Walantakan Kecamatan Langowan utara Kabupaten Minahasa
Public Satisfaction, Health Services, and Health WorkersAbstract
One form of government effort in providing health services related to infrastructure is with community health centers. Puskesmas have an important role in improving health status, but unfortunately there are still health centers that have health services that are not optimal. Likewise what happened at the Walantakan Health Center, Langowan Utara District. Which still has several problems, namely regarding the attitude of health workers when providing services to patients, some are good and not good, in practice there are health workers who are less friendly with patients when patients ask questions related to service information.
The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of service of health workers at the Walantakan Health Center, Langowan Utara District, Minahasa Regency. The research approach used is qualitative, the unit of analysis in this study is the individual. With a descriptive qualitative method by collecting information through interviews with patients and direct surveys to obtain the necessary information about how the quality of service of health workers at the Walantakan Health Center, North Langowan District.
The results in this study are based on 3 indicators of community satisfaction, among others: 1. Service Requirements, 2. Completion Time, 3. Executor Competence, the community is very satisfied with the services provided.