Pelaksanaan Tugas Dan Fungsi Bidang Pemberdayaan Koperasi Dinas Koperasi Dan Ukm Kabupaten Minahasa
Duties and Functions, Empowerment, CooperativesAbstract
This research aims to determine the implementation of the tasks and functions of the cooperative empowerment sector at the Minahasa UKM Cooperative Service. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews, documentation and observation. This research focuses on the implementation of tasks and functions in the field of cooperative empowerment at the Minahasa UKM Cooperative Service. Data collection techniques include; observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research show that: 1) Level of Compliance with Employee Duties and Responsibilities: The community has difficulty providing services to the Cooperatives & SMEs Service due to lack of information, slow response from officers, and poor coordination. Employees are also burdened by workload and pressure. 2) Employee Satisfaction and Performance Effectiveness: The slow response of officers at the Cooperatives & SMEs Department hampers cooperative services and development, damaging public trust.