Pengawasan Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Oleh Badan Kesatuan Bangsa Dan Politik Kota Manado
This study aims to find out, analyze and describe the Supervision of Community Organizations by the National Unity and Political Agency of the City of Manado. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The number of informants in this study were 3 people. Data collection uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis through Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Drawing Conclusions. The results of the study concluded that the implementation of supervision of CSOs at the National Unity and Politics Agency of Manado City was not optimal enough, this can be seen from the Establishment of Implementation or Planning Standards at the National Unity and Political Unity Agency of Manado City based on applicable regulations and also based on SOPs. Factors influencing the establishment of standards of oversight of the coordination required between supervised functions. The scope of supervision must be smaller, when the tasks to be supervised become more and more difficult to carry out. Factors that influence and become technical considerations in compiling job performance standards for Administrator Positions are the existence of job duties, job descriptions, and job activities. 2) Implementation of Supervision measured or evaluated by the National Unity and Politics Agency in the City of Manado for monitoring or evaluation it is always carried out once every 6 months so if in 1 year 2 evaluations, the form of monitoring activity reports for reports on monitoring activities for CSOs we carry out in person meetings Presence of Community Organizations .3) Evaluation The reason for monitoring not running optimally is due to the lack of communication from the government to every community organization.