Plagiarism Policy


 Jurnal Administro : Jurnal Kajian Kebijakan dan ilmu Administrasi Negara expresses great concern about plagiarism. Recognizing that plagiarism is unacceptable, the Journal develops the following policy: Kemenristek dikti's plagiarism policy Following the instructions of, here are some ways to be considered plagiarism.

  • The act of referring to and / or quoting words and / or sentences, data, and / or information in source terms without mentioning the source in the citation memo and / or without specifying the appropriate source.
  • Do not mention the source in the citation memo Do not properly mention the source In source terms, refer to and / or randomly cite words and / or data sentences and / or information.
  • The acts of using the origins of ideas, opinions, views and theories without giving the sources properly Do not reveal the proper source of and are unique from the sources of words and / or sentences, ideas, opinions, views and theories Formulate into words and / or sentences.
  • Submit a scientific work produced and / or published by another party to a scientific work without properly specifying the source.