JURNAL EDUNITRO Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><a href="https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/edunitro/about">JURNAL EDUNITRO</a> </strong>is an open-access scientific journal managed by the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, <a href="http://unima.ac.id/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>State University of Manado</strong></a>. This journal provides an open scientific platform for scientists, academics, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers, and industry practitioners to promote knowledge of electrical engineering expertise, research findings, and the latest innovations in learning, teaching, education management, and vocational training related to the field of <a href="https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/edunitro/focuscope"><em><strong>electrical engineering education</strong></em></a>. The journal publishes two issues annually, in <a href="https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/edunitro/issue/archive"><strong>April</strong> and <strong>October</strong></a>, with articles in English and Indonesian. The <em>Directory of Open Access Journals</em> (<a href="https://doaj.org/toc/2776-284X?source=%7B%22query%22%3A%7B%22bool%22%3A%7B%22must%22%3A%5B%7B%22terms%22%3A%7B%22index.issn.exact%22%3A%5B%222776-2920%22%2C%222776-284X%22%5D%7D%7D%5D%7D%7D%2C%22size%22%3A100%2C%22sort%22%3A%5B%7B%22created_date%22%3A%7B%22order%22%3A%22desc%22%7D%7D%5D%2C%22_source%22%3A%7B%7D%2C%22track_total_hits%22%3Atrue%7D"><strong>DOAJ</strong></a>), a credible international open-access journal indexer, has indexed the Jurnal Edunitro. The journal has been accredited in Indonesia with a <a href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/profile/12753" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>SINTA 4</strong></a> rank.</p>Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Manadoen-USJURNAL EDUNITRO Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro2776-2920Analysis of the Electric Power Distribution System Service Reliability Index at PLN Lancang Garam
<p>The level of electrical energy demand in an area reflects the welfare of that community. The greater the use of electrical energy, the higher the community's standard of living, followed by the public's critical attitude towards everything that happens and influences lives, including electricity services. Generally, a network's reliability level can be seen from the size of the SAIDI and SAIFI values on the PLN (state electricity company) side. The calculation and reliability analysis results of the Lhokseumawe ULP above show that the total SAIFI index value is 2.68 times/year. The SAIFI Rayon Lhokseumawe reliability index is categorized as reliable because its value does not exceed the standard set by PLN in SPLN 68-2 of 1986, namely 3.2 times/year. The total value of the SAIDI index is 45.30 hours/year. The Lhokseumawe Rayon SAIDI reliability index is categorized as unreliable because its value exceeds the standard set by PLN in SPLN 68-2 of 1986, namely 21 hours/year. There are certainly differences in infrastructure, electrical equipment, and number of customers in 1986 compared to current years; this has a different influence on electricity reliability values such as SAIDI and SAIFI.</p>Muhammad Mirdasil AslamiSadrina SadrinaMuhammad Rizal Fachri
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mirdasil Aslami, Sadrina Sadrina, Muhammad Rizal Fachri
2024-10-312024-10-3142596610.53682/edunitro.v4i2.8567Inverter Practical Module Design for Power Electronics Course in Electrical Engineering Education Study Program
<p>Inverter material is one of the essential materials in power electronics courses. An inverter is an electronic device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). This concept is the foundation of electronics. Because the power electronics course is a practicum course, a practicum module is required as an intermediary teaching medium; this practical module discusses 3-phase inverter material, which uses the pulse width modulation (PWM) and sinusoidal pulse width modulation inverter (SPWM) switching methods. Through Tinkercad software, the circuit is assembled, and the output wave results from the two methods used are seen in designing the 3-phase inverter practical module using the Research and Development method. This research uses media and material validation sheet instruments to determine the feasibility of the 3-phase inverter practicum module. The research results showed that the percentage of media experts was 94%, material experts were 81%, and language experts were 84%. Hence, the 3-phase inverter practicum module is very suitable for use and can make it easier for students to understand inverters. Thus, developing a 3-phase inverter practicum module can effectively increase students' understanding of inverter material and interest in learning. It can also be an alternative for lecturers in teaching.</p>Dewi SurianiFathiah FathiahMuhammad Ikhsan
Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Suriani, Fathiah Fathiah, Muhammad Ikhsan
2024-10-312024-10-3142677410.53682/edunitro.v4i2.8569Solar Panel Light Intensity and Voltage Measurement System Using Atmega 328
<p>This research explores the development of a real-time measurement system for light intensity and voltage in solar panels. It utilizes the ATmega328 microcontroller with an INA219 sensor for voltage measurement, a BH1750 sensor for light intensity measurement, and a logger module. The objective of this research is to assist and reduce losses in the use of solar panels. The research method is a simplified version of the 4D model, reduced to 3D: define, design, and develop. This system is designed to accurately collect data directly from solar panels, with a recorded data error rate of 23%. The gathered data is stored via an SD card on the logger module and converted into CSV text format. Test results indicate that this system can measure accurately and store data in a readily accessible and processable format. ATmega328, as the system's core, allows accurate real-time monitoring of solar panel conditions while storing data in CSV format, facilitating further analysis. Therefore, this system can be a valuable tool for monitoring and enhancing the energy efficiency produced by solar panels.</p>Rangga Rio Pratama PaneSri Nengsih Sri Nengsih
Copyright (c) 2024 Rangga Rio Pratama Pane, Sri Nengsih Sri Nengsih
2024-11-042024-11-0442758410.53682/edunitro.v4i2.8623Trainer Kit Module for DC Motor Speed Control Using Voice Commands Based on Arduino
<p>Based on the results of observations made by researchers through direct observation of lecturers in the field of electricity, Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, it was found that there is a need for additional trainers as learning media in the electrical machine control course. This study aims to find out how to design a trainer kit design module for DC motor speed control using voice commands by utilizing the Arduino microcontroller. We also learned the results of testing the design of a trainer kit design module for DC motor speed control using voice commands by utilizing the Arduino microcontroller. The research method researchers use is the Research and Development (R&D) method, which aims to develop new products or innovations that benefit. Based on the results of expert validation, it can be concluded that the Arduino Microcontroller-Based Trainer Kit Practical Module obtained a high percentage of media experts at 96%, material experts at 95.5%, and language experts at 80%. These results indicate that this module gets the "Very Eligible" category to be applied to the Electrical Machine Control course.</p>Muhammad KhalidFathiah FathiahGufran Ibnu Yasa Gufran
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Khalid, Fathiah Fathiah, Gufran Ibnu Yasa Gufran
2024-11-082024-11-0842859410.53682/edunitro.v4i2.8588Implementation of Contextual Learning Improves the Lighting Installation Learning Outcomes of Students of SMKN 1 Tomohon
<p>This study is expected to improve learning outcomes. Electrical lighting installation for grade XII students using a contextual learning model during the 2022–2023 academic year. The study was conducted in two cycles, with planning, implementation, action, observation/evaluation, and reflection as components of each cycle. This study involved 30 grade XII TITL students. The collected data were analyzed through test techniques. It was analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques. The results of the study showed that the average student learning outcomes in cycle 1 in the electrical lighting installation component were 67.4% in the moderate category, which in cycle 2 increased to 80% in the high category, indicating an increase of 85.66%. Thus, the contextual learning model has been proven to improve the learning outcomes of grade XII TITL students at SMKN 1 Tomohon in the 2022–2023 academic year.</p>Calvin MamahitHerry SumualEddy KembuanFransiska Makaliwe
Copyright (c) 2024 Calvin Mamahit; Herry Sumual; Eddy Kembuan; Fransiska Makaliwe
2024-11-092024-11-09429510210.53682/edunitro.v4i2.9835Design an Electrical Power Practical Module in the Introductory Electrical Energy Course
<p>The introductory electrical energy course is one of the courses that applies learning using practical methods. In the introductory electrical energy course, there is material about electrical power. Based on observations, it is known that students need more learning media in the form of modules in the electrical power practicum, which causes a lack of interest and low understanding of student learning. Based on these problems, a learning medium in the form of a practicum module was developed to complement practicum learning and is expected to increase students' interest in and understanding of learning. The electrical power practicum module was developed using research and development methods. The researcher's research instrument was a media expert and material expert validation sheet to test the feasibility of the practicum module to be applied in the Electrical Power Practicum. The validation results of media and material experts prove that the electrical power practicum module is very feasible regarding media and material. Based on the percentage of scores obtained from media experts, namely 81.66%, material experts obtained a score of 88.57%, which is included in the very suitable category to be applied in the Basic Electrical Energy course.</p>Nursarinah ManullangFathiah FathiahMuhammad Ikhsan
Copyright (c) 2024 Nursarinah Manullang, Fathiah Fathiah, Muhammad Ikhsan
2024-11-092024-11-094210311010.53682/edunitro.v4i2.8448Analysis of Building Electrical Lighting System Tomohon City Regional Drink Water Company
<p>This study aims to see whether the electrical lighting installation at the Regional Drinking Water Company (Indonesian, abbreviated as PDAM) of Tomohon City follows the General Requirements for Electrical Installations (abbreviated as PUIL) or vice versa. Using the analysis approach, direct observation was performed at the research site, and after performing the study, it was discovered that many electrical lighting installation requirements did not satisfy PUIL. Following the measurements and calculations, it was found that none of the lighting in building A met PUIL standards, while for building B, there was only 1 room whose lighting met PUIL standards. Furthermore, there were several rooms where the lights were not installed. Of course, this can affect the daily activities in the room. From the results of the study, it is inevitable that the electrical lighting installation in the PDAM building in Tomohon City must be repaired immediately and should follow the applicable PUIL.</p>Frederico WalandouwFransiskus SekeJocke Rapar
Copyright (c) 2024 Frederico Walandouw, Fransiskus Seke, Jocke Rapar
2024-11-092024-11-094211112010.53682/edunitro.v4i2.10321The Effect of Project-Based Learning Model on Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Basic Electrical Engineering
<p>This study aims to determine the effect of project-based learning models on creativity and learning outcomes of Electrical Installation and Power Engineering students in the Basic Electrical Engineering subject in class XI of SMKN 1 Airmadidi. This study used an experimental method with a post-test-only control group design. The instruments used included learning outcome tests and creativity questionnaires. The results showed a significant difference in the learning outcomes of Basic Electrical Engineering between students who were involved in learning using project-based models and those who followed conventional methods. This indicates that applying project-based learning models substantially affects the learning outcomes of Basic Electrical Engineering in Class XI of SMKN 1 Airmadidi with a t<sub>table</sub> value < t<sub>count</sub> or 4.10 < 6.773. The project-based model also shows the level of creativity between students who undergo learning with a project-based approach and those who use conventional methods. These findings indicate a significant effect of the project-based learning model on student learning creativity in Class XI of SMKN 1 Airmadidi with a t<sub>table </sub>value < t<sub>count</sub> or 4.10 < 6.418.</p>Andreas MustafaDjami OliiJanne Ticoh
Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Mustafa, Djami Olii; Janne Ticoh