RESCHEDUL PADA PROYEK KONSTRUKSI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MICROSOFT PROJECT 2016 (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Sopi – Wayabula, Kabupaten Pulau Morotai)
Microsoft Project, PDM, Reschedul, RABAbstract
In the implementation of the project, sometimes problems arise because of obstacles that hinder the existing work. Obstacles encountered in the field in the Sopi-Wayabula Road Construction project are the erratic weather conditions that will occur during project implementation and the inefficient scheduling control applied because it is still based on Microsoft Excel, which has no relationship between activities so that it is not known whether the dependence on each activity is known for each of these activities. This greatly affects the results or progress of each job. For this reason, rescheduling was carried out using special scheduling software, namely Microsoft Project 2016, using the PDM calculation basis, which is expected to produce a schedule that is logical, realistic, and has a relationship between work so that the critical path can be known, which indicates that the work cannot be delayed. The results of this study showed that the rescheduling duration was 231 days, or there was” a 13.8% difference in the duration of the plan. For RAB after rescheduling, the value is Rp. 22,760,975,357, or 18.2% less than the initial plan.