Stigma Sosial Masyarakat di Desa Liwutung Kabupaten Mitra terhadap Pasien Covid-19


  • Mardi Kawahe Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Maryam Lamadirisi Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Veronika E. T. Salem Universitas Negeri Manado



social stigma, Covid-19


The problem in this study is to see how the Liwutung village community stigmatizes patients infected with Covid 19, community stigma is formed due to ignorance, lack of knowledge about Covid 19, and misunderstandings about the transmission of Covid 19 (Liamputtong, 2013) with a focus of research namely social stigma about Covid 19, Spread of Covid 19, Prevention of Covid 19. By using qualitative research methods. The qualitative method is a method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects where the researcher is the key instrument (Sugiyono, 2011: 9) and observational data collection techniques where researchers are directly involved in the process of identifying, collecting data and studying phenomena that related and interviews where researchers gave freedom to informants as sources of informant data and by using data validation procedures, namely the degree of trust (credibility), transferability and dependability as well as confirmability, the results of the study were obtained as follows. The people of Liwitung village who still don't understand this viral disease act very badly to patients and even their patient's families give a bad stigma and even tell bad things so that it burdens the victim's family and even the patient himself, for them someone has the virus because they don't follow government recommendations and also not living a healthy life.





