
  • Budiarto U Sugeha Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Tini Mogea Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Elizabeth Z Oroh Universitas Negeri Manado



Analysis; Character; Development


The aim of this research is To find out Ethan’s character development portrayed
through his characteristics in the novella.In this study, the writer employed
qualitative research in which the data gathered in form of words and quotations.
In analysing this novel, the writer applies objective approach because this
analysis will be only focused on the literary work itself without looking at the
external aspects of the literary work. It means that the writer only pay attention
to the internal parts of the story in the novel. The result of this research shows
that Ethan character development are influenced by people around him, in this
case, Zeena and Mattie. He experience a view of changes of his character;
hopeful into hopeless, responsible into irresponsible, faithfulness into
unfaithful, and happiness into unhappiness.


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How to Cite

Sugeha, B. U., Mogea, T. ., & Oroh, E. Z. (2022). ETHAN FROME’S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN WHARTON’S ETHAN FROME. KOMPETENSI, 1(02), 302-312.