Readability Assessment of Reading Texts in Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade X


  • Rara Anggreiny Lumepa Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Jim Ronny Tuna Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Fivy A Andries Universitas Negeri Manado



Readability, Reading Text, Textbook


The purpose of the study is to describe readability of reading texts in textbook,
‘Pathway to English’ for SMA/MA Grade X’ published by Erlangga. The study is a
quantitative content analysis. The source of the data was the textbook, and only reading
texts with minimally 150 words in length were taken as the sample. 22 reading texts
that matched the criteria were analyzed quantitatively in percentage form. Result of the
data analysis shows that reveals that 9 (or 41%) reading texts match tenth grade level,
but the rest, 4 (or 18%) reading texts are to easy, at 7th-8th grade level. and 9 (or 41%)
reading texts are are fairly difficult to difficult, at 11th-16th grade level. Put it another
way, 59% reading texts with minimally 150 words in length selected for use in EFL
textbook ‘Pathway to English’ published by Penerbit Erlangga in 2016 were not in
accordance with tenth grade SMA students’ readability level. In addition, It was also
found that the data show that readability level of a text do not depend on text length.


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How to Cite

Lumepa, R. A., Tuna, J. R. ., & Andries, F. A. (2022). Readability Assessment of Reading Texts in Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade X. KOMPETENSI, 1(04), 408-420.