Figurative Language Personification, Mariah Carey , Linguistics.Abstract
The research is done in order to identify and describe the expressions of personification in
Mariah Carey’s selected song lyrics. This study is only focuse on the personification
expressions in the song lyrics of popular female singer Mariah Carey. Since there are a lot
of albums populariz by Mariah Carey during her singing career, the researcher only took
albums that consists of song lyrics with personification use to be the subject of the study
This study has conduct in qualitative method or also call descriptive research. In this
research, the data were collect from the song lyrics of Mariah Carey. The data is analyzing
using the theory According to Miles and Hubermen (2007: 139-140). Based on the result,
thirty personification data has found in Mariah Carey’s song lyrics. Language is
fundamental to all social processes, and human do need language to communicate to each
other. In social process, there are people who communicate more than the say the use
language that indicate meaning more than the language does. This terms called figurative
language (Samola and Maru; 2016:1). Figurative languages are used in the song lyrics.
Specifically, personification is the figurative langugae found through this study. the
function of using personifcation expressions is to beautify or decorate the songlyrics them
selves so that it is effective in attracting public and the meaning is beautifully delivered to
the song listeners. Language style can be help readers and listeners to better understand a
meaning of songs, how composer use words in their lyrics, and how does that mean The
composer use personification so that the meaning of the wors use become more touching
and beautiful.
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