
  • Lianny M. Tombiling Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Ceisy N. Wuntu Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Merlin Maukar Universitas Negeri Manado



Social conflict, Light in August


This study aims to analyze the social conflict in William Faulkner’s novel. It is
done to reveal the types of conflicts found in the novel and causes of conflict in
this novel. In conducting this research, the research used qualitative methods.
This research is classified as library research because the data collection is done
by reading novels and reading several books and other references related to the
topic. The data were analyzed based on the type of conflict and its causes and
then presented descriptively. In other words, the researcher analyzed the data
according to the topic and then present the result in a narrative. In analyzing the
data, the researcher used a mimetic approach. The results of the research show
that there are two categories of social conflict in the novel, namely: conflict
between individuals and individuals and conflict between individuals and group


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How to Cite

Tombiling, L. M. ., Wuntu, . C. N. ., & Maukar, M. . (2022). SOCIAL CONFLICTS IN WILLIAM FAULKNER’S NOVEL LIGHT IN AUGUST. KOMPETENSI, 1(04), 456-464.