Allegiant; Intelligence quality; Reader-Response ApproachAbstract
This study aims to determine the intelligence quality revealed in Veronica Roth's
Allegiant. The researchers conduct this study by using qualitative research based on
Lincoln, and the data collection uses two ways: Primary sources and secondary sources.
The primary data collection are from the novel, and secondary data collection use
references from articles, journals, books, and the internet. In analyzing the data, the
researchers use a reader-response approach based on Cagri Tugrul Mart. Intelligence
quality talks of how well a person's intelligence excels. Intelligence can apply to many
contexts, such as intelligence in strategy and intelligence in survival. Their qualities can
be assessed by how well the performance and the achievements gained. The results of
this study show that Tris, the main character, used her intelligence qualities against the
leader of the city of Chicago, Evelyn, and the leader of the Genetic Welfare Bureau,
David. When Evelyn became the new city leader, the people expected her could stop
the disputes between factions. However, Evelyn used her power for other purposes. Tris
felt she had to do something to stop Evelyn from her act of cruelty that ruled over the
city by unilateral decisions. Tris also joined the Allegiant group to fight Evelyn and left
the city to find out the truth about the factions. When Tris and her friends managed to
get out of town, they met David. David told all the truth about the existing faction
system. He also told Tris that the Bureau would use memory serums on the people in
the city to erase their memories and reorganize their memories according to the
Bureau's wishes. Tris and her friends tried to stop David from executing his plans. In
the end, they successfully stopped David and saved the city of Chicago
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Journal of English and Education, vol.
Vol 1 No. 11 (2021) : COMPETENCY : Scientific Journal of Language and Arts
, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1–14,
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