
  • Gabriel Frans Wagey Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Olga Rorintulus Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Merlin Maukar Universitas Negeri Manado



Courage; Moral courage; Physical courage


The purpose of the study is to reveal about courage as seen in Winston Groom's Forrest
Gump. The design of the study is qualitative research because the data of this research
are in the form of words. The researchers use two kinds of data collection which are
the primary source and secondary sources. The primary source is the novel itself and
the secondary sources are the materials that the researchers took from books, internet,
articles, journals, etc. The researchers use objective approach because the researcher
analyzed the courage of the main character in the novel which is one of the internal
elements. In analysing the data, researchers do a close reading of the novel and create
a coding to help researchers easily find and arrange the research. Because this research
uses objective theory, the researcher examines the internal elements of the novel,
namely characters, plot, theme and setting. The researchers focus on the character by
classifying each character in the novel into two parts, namely round character and flat
character. The results of this study can be concluded that the courage of Forrest Gump
is seen from two types of courage, namely moral courage and physical courage. First,
by moral courage that he dared to face his shortcomings and dared to show his abilities.
Second, Forrest also shows physical courage to protect himself and help others. From
these results the researcher found that people who have courage can get through all the
difficulties in their life.


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How to Cite

Wagey, G. F. ., Rorintulus, O. ., & Maukar, M. . (2022). COURAGE AS SEEN IN WINSTON GROOM’S FORREST GROOM. KOMPETENSI, 1(11), 911 - 923.