Racism, Mental Health, Rejection.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to reveal the form of racism and its impact on the mental
health of African American in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye. The design of this
study is qualitative research because the data that support this research are collected
from books, journals, articles, and internet. The researchers use two kinds of data
collection, namely the primary source that is the novel itself and the secondary sources
are books, articles, the internet, and journals. The approach needed in research is
mimetic approach, because this topic is related to the environment and as a reflection
of human life. In analysing the data, researchers use three techniques called data
reducing, data display, and conclusion. Researchers have read the novel and then
decided the topic. From the amount of data collected from various sources researchers
use text or jotting to compares, contrasts, and sorts the required data, from the notes
written by the researchers, then categorize the relevant data. The results of the analysis
are racism experienced by African Americans in the form of rejection, insults and
violence. Racism in the novel is not only practiced by white people but also among
black people.
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