Improving Students’ skills, Vocabulary Mastery, SongLyrics.Abstract
The aim of this research is to find out what extent song lyrics can be used to
improve students‟ vocabulary mastery. The subjects of this research were the seventh
grade students of SMP Berea Tondano. The seventh grade students in SMP Berea
Tondano Class consisted 20 students. This research used a quantitative research. The
instrument of this research was tests pre-test and post- test. The result of data
analysis indicated that the mean score of the post-test was higher than the mean score
of the pre-test. It concludes that the results of the post- test increased significantly.
These results indicate that song lyrics are an effective media to used. It suggests that
English teachers to try using song lyrics as a media in the teaching learning
vocabulary as it more enjoyable and and stressfree.
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