Language Preference of the Indonesia Economic Subjects' toward Product Labeling


  • Veronika Listi Ferdini Damopolii Universitas Negeri Manado



language attitude, economists.


The shift of Indonesian Language to Foreign Languages also applies to the labeling of
selling products in Indonesia. Economic actors have the choice of maintaining Indonesian
language or using foreign language when labeling the product they are going to sell. This
study aims to see the language attitude of economic actors towards the products to be
marketed. In addition, this study was conducted to see the number of foreign and
Indonesian languages used in the country when labeling the products they sell. This
research method uses descriptive methods to make descriptions, descriptions, or paintings
systematically, factually and accurately. The result obtained is that economic actors prefer
to label products in foreign languages rather than Indonesian. From the data found, there
are 50 product labels. There are 33 domestic products labeling their products in foreign
terms and only 17 domestic products label their products in Indonesian terms.


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How to Cite

Damopolii, V. L. F. (2022). Language Preference of the Indonesia Economic Subjects’ toward Product Labeling. KOMPETENSI, 2(03), 1218 - 1226.