Analisis Penggunaan Fukushi “Taihen” pada buku Minna No Nihongo
analysis, fukushi, taihen, adjectivesAbstract
Adverbs (fukushi) are adverbs, not subjected to deformation. Fukushi taihen
belongs to the type of Teido no Fukushi, which is an adverb that serves to
express a level of state and activity. In addition to taihen, other fukushi that
fall into the type of teido no fukushi include totemo, hijooni, osoroshiku,
hidoku, daibu, zuibun, amarini, kanari, kekkoo, nakanaka, sukoshi, chotto,
zutto, motto, masumasu. The word taihen that appears in textbooks both
Minna no Nihongo 1 and 2 and Kaiwa Hyougen no Sakuin used in Kaiwa
Enshuu courses is almost entirely the word taihen as an adjective. The purpose
of this study was to describe the meaning of the word taihen in Japanese
sentences both as adjectives and adverbs. The results of the study are as
follows: (1) As an adjective, the word taihen in the sentences that are data in
this study has various meanings even though at first glance it looks the same.
These meanings are exhausting, difficult, troublesome, troublesome, and
impractical (until it ends up being troublesome). It is from this fact that it is
found that the word taihen in textbooks is more negative in tone, because of
the various meanings that have been analyzed, none of them have positive
nuances. (2) As an adverb (fukushi) that expresses a degree of circumstance,
in general the word taihen translates to "very" into Indonesian. Based on the
results of the analysis that has been presented in the previous chapter, the
meaning of the word taihen as an adverb is the expression of something
seriously with deep or striking feelings and something unusual or unexpected.
Unlike taihen as an adjective that is all negative in tone, taihen as an adverb
has two nuances at once both positive and negative, depending on what word
it describes.
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