Wunong of Educational Research https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong <p><strong>Wunong of Educational Research (WER)</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan S3 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Manado. Diterbitkan 3 (tiga) kali setahun, setiap bulan: Maret, Juli, November.</p> <p>Ruang lingkup Jurnal Wunong of Educational Research (WER) meliputi gagasan konseptual, kajian dan aplikasi teori, hasil penelitian pendidikan dan pengajaran, yaitu: perencanaan pendidikan, manajemen pendidikan dan kurikulum, pengelolaan lembaga pendidikan, sistem informasi kependidikan, manajemen SDM dan kepemimpinan pendidikan, inovasi dan teknologi pendidikan maupun pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pendidikan, serta kajian lain dalam lingkup bidang kependidikan.</p> Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan S3 Program Pascasarjana UNIMA en-US Wunong of Educational Research 2829-1255 Implementasi Konsep Pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara di SMP Negeri 4 Pineleng, Kabupaten Minahasa https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong/article/view/7079 <p>The focus of this research is the Implementation of the Ki Hajar Dewantara Education Concept at SMP Negeri 4 Pineleng. This research uses descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in qualitative research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The conclusion of the study is, first: in the Application of the Ki Hajar Dewantara Education Concept at SMP Negeri 4 Pineleng. The implementation itself has begun to be implemented and the application includes three environments, namely, the family environment, the school environment, and the community environment. Second: what are the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the Ki Hajar Dewantara Education Concept, namely the support of teachers in building enthusiasm and intentions for students, then there is support from parents and the environment in developing their talents and potential. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors themselves lack the creativity of subject teachers when studying online, inadequate study hours, and lack of intense communication between teachers and students. And then the third: efforts in improving the Ki Hajar Dewantara Education Concept at SMP Negeri 4 Pineleng, namely, subject teachers make creative and innovative activity plans by considering all aspects as well as possible. Then the teacher reflects and evaluates at the end of the class hour to achieve the learning objectives.</p> Jeffry Sonny Lengkong Andrew B. C. Rattu Copyright (c) 2023 Jeffry Sonny Lengkong, Andrew B. C. Rattu 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 2 1 1 6 Peranan Guru dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Pineleng, Kabupaten Minahasa https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong/article/view/7080 <p><em>This study focused on the role of teachers in improving student achievement. The formulation of the problem in this study is described in three forms of questions, including: 1) What is the role of the teacher in improving student achievement. 2) What factors affect student achievement. 3) what efforts are made by the teacher in improving student achievement. This study uses qualitative research methods that are field. This research was conducted at the SMP Negeri 1 Pineleng with data sources from informants, namely all teachers. Data collection techniques used by the author are observation, interviews, and documents. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) The role of the teacher in improving student achievement is that the teacher provides teaching and knowledge in various ways so that student achievement may increase. The teacher's role is very important for the growth and development of student knowledge and has an effect on student achievement. The teacher's role includes his role as a class manager, as an example (a role model), as a mentor, as a demonstrator, as a mediator/facilitator and as an evaluator. 2) The factors that affect student achievement are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are factors that exist within students such as physical weakness, mental weakness, emotional weakness, self-awareness, interest/interest, curiosity, self-confidence, self-discipline and memory. External factors are family, school and community. 3) growing student attention so that in teaching and learning activities students can focus and pay attention to what is taught by the teacher, arouse student motivation so that students may be motivated to learn and follow lessons well, the teacher tries to master the material or subject matter that will be taught to students so that students may understand and understand the material to be taught, the teacher seeks to carry out teaching and learning programs so that students can learn and follow lessons.</em></p> Harol Refly Lumapow Marianus Muharli Mua Franky Alexander Tintingon Copyright (c) 2023 Harol Refly Lumapow, Marianus Muharli Mua, Franky Alexander Tintingon 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 2 1 7 13 Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Karakter Siswa di SMA Regenerasi Tateli, Kabupaten Minahasa https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong/article/view/7081 <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of social media on the character of students at Regenerasi Tateli High School. Primary data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed to 128 students. There are 3 hypotheses. Two hypotheses are descriptive hypotheses and 1 hypothesis is tested by simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study concluded that the 3 hypotheses proved to be strong and significant. This finding indicates that social media greatly influences the character of Regenerasi Tateli High School students. Social media plays a very important role in the formation of student character. Positive or negative influences are largely determined by the assistance of teachers and parents at home. This finding is also an input for foundations and teachers to really pay attention to the use of social media from students both at school and outside of school.</em></p> Elni J. Usoh Rici Lumentut Copyright (c) 2023 Elni J. Usoh, Rici Lumentut 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 2 1 14 17 Pendidikan Sebagai Sebuah Sistem dalam Pembelajaran https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong/article/view/7082 <p><em>This study aims to understand education as a system that involves complex interactions between interrelated elements in a learning context. The education system consists of various components, such as students, teachers, curriculum, teaching methods, resources, and learning environment. This research method involves literature analysis and qualitative data collection through interviews with educational experts and direct observation in the learning environment. The collected data will be analyzed thematically and synthesized to understand the interactions that occur in the education system and their impact on the learning process. This research highlights the importance of seeing education as a complex system, where every element interacts and influences one another. The results of this study are expected to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how the elements in the education system are interrelated and how this interaction affects the quality of learning. The results of this research are also expected to provide valuable insights for decision makers in the field of education to improve the effectiveness of the education system. In the context of learning, an understanding of the education system will enable the development of learning strategies that are more holistic and better result-oriented. This research is expected to strengthen awareness of the importance of a systems approach in designing and implementing an effective education system. Taking into account the interaction and impact of elements within the education system, it is expected that there will be significant improvements in learning and overall educational outcomes.</em></p> Morein Gabrila Panekenan Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty Copyright (c) 2023 Morein Gabrila Panekenan, Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 2 1 18 22 Pengaruh Penghayatan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Terhadap Sikap Moderasi Beragama Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Don Bosco Lembean https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong/article/view/7083 <p><em>This research was aimed to explore the influence of appreciating Pancasila’s values to the attitude of religious moderation among students in SMA Don Bosco Lembean. This research was carried on April 2022 in SMA Don Bosco Lembean. Primary data was collected through questionnaires to 57 students of the school. The method of this research was quantitative using descriptive statistics. Three hypotheses were tested by multiple linear regresseion analysis. The result of this study showed that three hypotheses were proven to have correlation significantly. It was proven by the result of statistical account through simple linear regression analysis. So the main conclusion of this research was to find significant correlation between the appreciation of Pancasila’s values (x variable) and the attitude of religious moderation (y variable).</em></p> Deitje Adolfien Katuuk Donald Sambuaga Copyright (c) 2023 Deitje Adolfien Katuuk, Donald Sambuaga 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 2 1 23 25 Peran Penting Manusia dalam Pendidikan Bahasa: Menjembatani Transformasi Teknologi dengan Interaksi Manusia https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong/article/view/7084 <p><em>In the era of technological transformation, human interaction in language education is key in ensuring effective learning outcomes. This paper aims to explain the important role of humans in bridging technological transformation with human interaction in language education. Through a qualitative approach, the author analyzes the views of experts and related studies on the role of humans in language education. It was found that humans have a vital role in facilitating language learning, student motivation, contextual understanding, correction and feedback, developing communication skills, and developing social and emotional abilities of students. As learning facilitators, humans use technology as a tool to design interactive and relevant learning experiences. In terms of motivation, humans encourage students to learn languages ​​with enthusiasm through supportive interactions and giving positive feedback. Human interaction helps students understand the context of language use and ensures an accurate understanding of social norms and communication practices. Through direct interaction, humans can provide relevant corrections and feedback, helping students correct errors in language use. In addition, human interaction allows students to actively practice communication skills, whether through conversation, discussion, role play, or project-based activities. Humans also help students develop social and emotional abilities through interactions that build good relationships. Even though technology has an important role in language education, human interaction remains irreplaceable. Humans as a link between technology and students can create learning experiences that are meaningful, motivating, and ensure deep understanding. In this era of technological transformation, it is important for language educators to integrate technology wisely, while still paying sufficient attention to human interaction. This will ensure that language education harnesses the potential of technology while maintaining the invaluable quality and warmth of human interaction.</em></p> Firando Stevanus Kindangen Kamajaya Al Katuuk Copyright (c) 2023 Firando Stevanus Kindangen, Kamajaya Al Katuuk 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 2 1 26 33 Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Powerpoint Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMA Katolik Ignatius Manado https://ejurnal.unima.ac.id/index.php/wunong/article/view/7085 <p><em>This paper is the result of a review of research conducted at Ignatius Manado Catholic High School by measuring how much influence the use of powerpoint-based learning media has on students' learning motivation. The method used is a quantitative research method. The results of the study found that the use of PowerPoint-based learning media at Ignatius Manado Catholic High School obtained a score of 0.80 so it was in the VERY GOOD category. The learning motivation of Ignatius Manado Catholic High School students obtained a score of 0.80 so it was in the VERY GOOD category. Judging from the results of a simple linear regression analysis, the value of the coefficient of determination (R square) which is a measure of how much influence PowerPoint-based learning media has as a variable X on variable Y, namely student learning motivation at Ignatius Manado Catholic High School is 0.440 with a significance of 0.000. PowerPoint learning media contributes 44% to student motivation at Ignatius Manado Catholic High School and 56% is influenced by other factors.</em></p> Joulanda A. M. Rawis Antonius Heatubun Franky Alexander Tintingon Copyright (c) 2023 Joulanda A. M. Rawis, Antonius Heatubun, Franky Alexander Tintingon 2023-03-31 2023-03-31 2 1 34 36