Implementasi Perizinan Trayek Angkutan Umum Tondano Kampus Unima Via Tataaran


  • Stephany Tinggogoy Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Goinpeace H Tumbel
  • Elvis M.C Lumingkewas


This study aims to describe the implementation of licensing of the Tondano-UNIMA Campus public transportation route via Tataaran. This research uses a qualitative approach. The results showed that: 1). Currently there are certain regulations that have been implemented according to the size and purpose of the policy, and there are other regulations that have not. When rules are not followed, many people choose kinship as a way to get around them. This prevents most rules from being followed. 2). Even for his own part of the answers given by the implementers, who also gave different answers and did not know very much about the exact figures, the executors did not know the number of registered public transport vehicles. 3). Communication between relevant agencies and the implementation of activities revealed that the executor did not explain in full the procedures for issuing route permits, but told the driver to look at the wall because it was already in the temple. 4). The executive mentality optimizes the issuance of route permits from the Implementing Agency itself, optimizes the supervision of route permits, and often conducts operations in the field to check public transportation that continues to violate the law and operates without route permits.


