
  • Andreas Lariba Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Elisabeth Z. Oroh Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Fivy A. Andries Universitas Negeri Manado




Semantics, Meaning, Song Lyric


The purpose of this research focuses on identifying and finding out the types
of meaning behind the text in Angel Baby Song Lyric by Troye Sivan. This
research applied semantic approach, a study of the word meaning and sentence
meaning as one field branch of linguistics. The researcher has analyzed 13
selected data as samples of meaning from Angel Baby song lyric by Troye Sivan.
To analyze this research, descriptive qualitative research was used. From data
analyzed, Angel Baby song lyric has six categories types of meaning according
to its lyrics; there are 9 conceptual meaning; 3 connotation meaning; 2
reflective meaning; 2 associative meaning; 5 social and emotion meaning; and
6 thematic meaning, therefore the total types of meanings found behind the
text of Angel Baby song lyric is 27 data. Conceptual meaning is more dominant
than the other stanzas meaning. This song offers a comprehensive emotional
psychological insight, highlighting the impact of loss on one's life. It emphasize
deep love, intense emotional attachment, and obsession. The song also
implicated relationship emotional conflict, showing the dynamics of reconciling
competing emotions. The research featured how language evolves not only
within the context of books and texts but also through song lyrics, making it
easier for language enthusiasts to understood the meaning of language through


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How to Cite

Lariba, A., Oroh, E. Z. ., & Andries, F. A. . (2024). A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS ON ANGEL BABY SONG LYRIC BY TROYE SIVAN. JoTELL : Journal of Teaching English, Linguistics, and Literature, 3(2), 229-244. https://doi.org/10.36582/jotell.v3i2.8644

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