Apakah Organizational Justice dan Teamwork Berpengaruh Terhadap Kinerja Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Pada Perusahaan Di Banten?
Kepuasan kerja, kinerja, organizational justice, teamworkAbstract
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya gap antara kinerja yang diharapkan dengan kinerja yang ada pada saat ini. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh antara variabel organizational justice dan teamwork terhadap kinerja dengan kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel intervening. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survey, sampel 52 karyawan diambil dengan teknik sampel jenuh, data diolah menggunakan SPSS 22. Adapun analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, uji determinasi, uji F, uji T, uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas. Hipotesis terdiri dari terdapat pengaruh organizational justice terhadap kepuasan kerja, teamwork terhadap kepuasan kerja, organizational justice terhadap kinerja, teamwork terhadap kinerja, kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja, pengaruh tidak langsung organizational justice terhadap kinerja, dan pengaruh tidak langsung teamwork terhadap kinerja. Hasil dari penelitian adalah organizational justice berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja, dan teamwork berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja, kepuasan kerja berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja, tidak terdapat pengaruh langsung organizational justice terhadap kinerja, teamwork berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja, organizational justice berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap kinerja melalui kepuasan kerja, teamwork berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap kinerja melalui kepuasan kerja. Impak penelitian adalah memberikan kontribusi terhadap pengambilan kebijakan dan keputusan manajemen untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja dan kinerja karyawan di perusahaan.
This research is motivated by the gap between expected performance and current performance. The aim is to determine whether there is an influence between organizational justice and teamwork variables on performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The method used is quantitative with a survey approach, a sample of 52 employees taken using the total sampling technique, and data processed using SPSS 22. The analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis, determination test, F-test, T-test, validity test, reliability test, and normality test. The hypothesis consists of the influence of organizational justice on job satisfaction, teamwork on job satisfaction, organizational justice on performance, teamwork on performance, job satisfaction on performance, indirect influence of organizational justice on performance, and indirect influence of teamwork on performance. The results of the study are that organizational justice has a direct effect on job satisfaction, and teamwork has a direct effect on job satisfaction, job satisfaction has a direct effect on performance, there is no direct influence of organizational justice on performance, teamwork has a direct effect on performance, organizational justice has an indirect effect on performance through job satisfaction, teamwork has an indirect effect on performance through job satisfaction. The impact of the research is that it can contribute to policy-making, and management decisions to improve employee job satisfaction and performance in the company.
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