Cryptocurrency as a Tool for Financial Inclusion: Legal and Sociological Perspectives


  • Meiske MW Lasut Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Romi Mesra Universitas Negeri Manado


Cryptocurrency, Financial Inclusion, Legal and Sociological Perspectives


This study aims to analyze the pattern of cryptocurrency regulation in various jurisdictions and identify factors that influence its adoption as a financial inclusion tool. The method used is a comparative analysis of regulatory policies in various countries and a literature study related to the socio-economic impacts and barriers to cryptocurrency adoption. The results of the study show significant variations in regulatory approaches between developed and developing countries, where digital infrastructure factors, financial literacy, and structural barriers are the main determinants of the level of cryptocurrency adoption in each region.


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How to Cite

MW Lasut, M. ., & Mesra, R. (2023). Cryptocurrency as a Tool for Financial Inclusion: Legal and Sociological Perspectives. JURNAL PARADIGMA : Journal of Sociology Research and Education, 4(2), 281-288. Retrieved from