
  • Aldo I. Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Noldy Palenkahu Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Sarah Kamagi Universitas Negeri Manado



This research aimed at finding out whether the use of songs could increase the students’ mastery of vocabulary or not. In conducting this research, quantitative research was used. The subject of this study was one class of the second grade at SMP Anugrah Tondano that consist of 20 students. The instrument of collecting data was in the form   pre-test and post-test. The tests were in the form fill in test with missing words. The result of this research showed that the mean scores in the post-test was higher (70,5) than those of pre-test (40). it could be concluded that, the use of song was effective to increase students’ vocabulary mastery because it could be stimulated students in learning and encourage them to be able to memorize the word.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Song lyrics, Increasing


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How to Cite

Aldo I., Palenkahu, N. ., & Kamagi, S. . (2022). INCREASING STUDENTS’ MASTERY OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY THROUGH SONGS. SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social Cultural Issues, 1(01), 41-47.