Development of Solar Energy Lamp Using Arduino Uno


  • Ruddy Sanger Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University
  • Viverdy Memah Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University
  • Jocke Rapar Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University
  • Moudy Kambey Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University
  • Djamii Olii Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University



solar energy lamp, LDR, Arduino Uno


This study aims to design an electronic system from solar energy lamps using Arduino Uno and then implement it into a prototype circuit. This solar energy lighting system supports the green energy ecosystem in the implementation of solar cells in the design of cost-effective electronic systems. This automatic solar energy lamp system consists of solar panels and batteries as inputs, LDR and voltage sensors as references and sensors, Arduino Uno and relays as controllers, and LCD and LED lights as output circuits. The implementation results show that solar energy lamps using Arduino Uno can function properly. The solar energy stored in the battery can be used automatically as lighting at night without using electricity from PLN. It can automate the light in the room, eliminating the need to turn them off and on manually.


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How to Cite

Sanger, R., Memah, V., Rapar, J., Kambey, M., & Olii, D. (2022). Development of Solar Energy Lamp Using Arduino Uno. JURNAL EDUNITRO Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, 2(2), 105-114.